Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Stop me if you've heard this...

I think I've already mentioned my opinion on the communication skills of communication companies - they don't seem to have any. I just noticed BBC News running a story entitled Orange branches out from mobiles about them offering landlines and broadband as well as mobiles.

I use Orange for mobile phones at work. A few weeks ago I filled out a enquiry form about landlines on the Orange web site (it's gone now) expecting a reply with some information or perhaps a phone call form a salesman. I got an e-mail containing a phone number for me to call.

I phoned the number. It connected me to a nice lady in a call centre who asked me lots of questions. Being an existing Orange customer I am used to them knowing all about me as soon as I give them my phone number. But this call centre was not part of Orange so I had to go through loads of stuff that Orange already know.

A few days later I received a call from the Orange sales team. Unfortunately they called me on my mobile phone so I didn't get the call and had to listen to the answerphone message. She didn't seem to know that we are already Orange customers and was calling to discuss land and mobile phones. She left a mobile phone number for me to call back.

Calling her number put me through to her message service where I left a landline number for her to get me on. Unfortunately she called back while I was out (she probably would have got me on the mobile then!) and had to leave a message. This time she told me all about the problems she was having with her mobile phone and how I would probably would not get her if I called! She did leave an e-mail address.

I sent her an e-mail saying I was back at my desk and asking her to call back. The call never came. I can't be bothered to call back again.


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